CONFERENCES: IMC Leeds 2018 - Personal Lows and Highs

While scheduling conflicts meant I was only able to be there for two days, as I’ve done in the past after major events, here are the highs, lows, and unsung heroes of my time at IMC Leeds 2018.

The Lows –
  • ·         (Pre-arrival) Being shoulder barged out of the way by two guys at York Station which led to missing my train which in turn meant I missed Dr K. G. Cushing’s paper, which I’d been hoping to get to.
  • ·         While trying to dismiss a medication reminder (which goes off at the start of the two-hour window I have to take my meds) my new phone decided to play a Google advert with the volume on (which I had turned off at the start of the day) in the middle of a session.
  • ·         Having to leave a session before it had finished because I needed my medication.
  • ·         Not a huge low but the TEMPERATURE!  

The Highs –
  • ·         The biggest high of all – the Medievalists with Disabilities disIMC Round Table.  It was an honour and privilege to have been invited to take part in this.  The session went really well, and while we shared a lot of things which are going wrong, there was a lot of highlighting of positive changes which are happening and areas for continued activism.  A big thank you to all to everyone who was involved in setting this up, took part, attended or watched on the livestream, asked questions etc.  Also thank you to those who gave me feedback about it – it was very much appreciated.
  • ·         Okay so this is spread across two points but I managed to get through most of the round-table without my speech impediment flaring up or any language issues which for something which was largely unrehearsed was good. 
  • ·         Finally getting to meet up with someone I’ve been trying to meet up with for ages.
  • ·         Generally feeling less isolated from the research community.  As someone on a hiatus from their thesis, quite some way from their ‘home institution’, this was a big deal.
  • ·         Finally getting to wear my Biagio d’Antonio Doc Martens somewhere where people might recognise the picture.

Unsung Heroes –
  • ·         The person doing the announcements on the train I got to Leeds on Monday.  I think I’ve traveled with this person before, and their announcement style always manages to make me smile.
  • ·         All those who did the running around, particularly getting hold of fans for boiling hot seminar rooms, for the whole week.

Previous high/low/up/down entries on my old other website usually included a silly song about the event.  Alas at the moment I’ve got a bit too much going on to write one – but I might do in the future! 

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